4th June 2021
Dear [[FIRST_NAME]],
Our WA athletes & coaches leave today for South Australia to participate in the World Cup III Simulation Regatta! Rowing WA caught up with WAIS coach, Jamie Hewlett in the lead up to the event - read what he had to say below.
Join us at our next Level 1 Boat Race Official course - it's FREE - & no experience required. Help Making Waves continue to change lives by making a donation - it's tax deductible - donate now!
All this & more below! Happy reading!

Athletes & Coaches from WA Head to SA for the World Cup III Simulation Regatta!
Today our WA athletes & coaches selected by Rowing Australia for the Australian Rowing Teams, leave for South Australia to compete at the World Rowing Cup 3 Simulation Regatta.
Our young & upcoming rowers will have the opportunity to pit themselves against the best-of-the-best in Australian rowing.
Rowing WA caught up with WAIS coach, Jamie Hewlett, in the lead up to departure.
Read what Jamie had to say HERE.
Make Friends | Have Fun | Learn New Skills
You don't need any experience to become a Boat Race Official - we provide all the training, equipment & uniform.
Join us at our next Level 1 Boat Race Official course - it's FREE!
- Date: Tuesday, 22.06.2021
- Time: 6pm - 9pm
- Where: Rowing WA HQ
Click HERE to register.
You Can Help Us Change Lives!
Making Waves is Rowing WA’s community outreach program that works with young people in the greater Armadale region. Our mission is to empower young people to take opportunities to develop the skills to succeed in life.
Making Waves relies on the passion and support of the rowing community to keep us inspired and able to change the lives of young people through rowing. We are appealing for your support to be able to continue to offer our great program.
By making a tax-deductible donation this tax-season, you will help us take Making Waves to the next level.
We thank you for your support!
Click HERE to donate.
Rowing Australia Announces Four New Life Members
Congratulations to Reg McKay, Shirley Stokes, Howard Croker OAM & Jeff Sykes on receiving Life Membership to Rowing Australia.
Life Membership of RA is the sport’s highest honour. It is reserved for those who have demonstrated significant, sustained and high-quality service that enhances the reputation and future of rowing by virtue of their considerable contribution to rowing nationally. The Board and Council of RA felt it fitting this year to bestow the honour on four prolific members of the Australian rowing community.
Click HERE for the full story from Rowing Australia.
Calling All IGSSA WA Girls!
Join us for a delicious morning tea at Champion Lakes Regatta Centre - Rowing WA Mezzanine during the IGSSA WA Head of the River.
Wear your old school blazer, catch up & reminisce with past IGSSA WA rowers old & new!
This event is FREE however your RSVP as registration is required for catering purposes - thank you!
RSVP: Monday, 21st June 2021
Click HERE to register your RSVP
R U OK? Day 2021 is Thursday 9 September
Why not sign up & be kept up to date when new resources are released.
R U OK? Day is our national day of action & a reminder that every day of the year is a day to stay connected & ask ‘are you OK?' of anyone in your world who may be struggling.
The gang at R U OK? are working on new resources & ideas to help encourage more life-changing conversations in our schools, workplaces and communities.
Get on board - be "oarsome" - support R U OK?
Sign Up HERE.
Two Weeks In...
Heather Taylor is rowing across the ocean from California to Hawaii to bring lasting change in communities facing poverty. The goal is to raise $100 for each of the 2,500 miles rowed to support programs that raise up giants in their communities.
It's two weeks into the row, & things aren't going exactly as imagined...
Click HERE to read Heather's latest blog.
Regattas on in the next month
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