Welcome to a bumper, mid-week edition of Oar Talk!!
- All Schools State Championships: Winners, Grinners, Yo-Yos and Merch Orders!!
- WA Wrap Up: Juniors in Paris
- Aussie Crews Announced for World Champs
- State Team Nominations
- First Presenter Announced for the Coaching & Officiating Conference
- Flashback Friday: 1904 Interstate Races, Part 2 - What REALLY happened?!
- WAIS Talent Search Day
- UWABC Hiring: HP Rowing Coach
- Hour of Power: Frame by Frame with Decent Rowing
All Action at All Schools!
Rounding out the biggest post-COVID All Schools Season was a State Champs to remember. Swan River Rowing Club did an exceptional job hosting - Captain Lia Franklin entertaining the crowd on commentary, a BBQ so damn good they sold out at lunch time, and a team manning the bake sale and doing their best to meet the massive demand for caffeine. Thanks to SRRC for their hard work and to all the spectators who contributed to their fundraising efforts.
A huge thank you as always to our Boat Race Officials who did a fantastic job problem solving on the fly and keeping the show on the road.
You can find all medal presentations photos on our Facebook album, here.
Guildford Grammar School retained their 2022 title as Champion School with an 80-point lead over Runners Up, Shenton College. Consistent performances across the board (including medals in three out of four Coxed Eight events) earned GGS their points.
Total Points:
- Guildford - 302
- Shenton - 218.5
- JTC - 176
- Iona - 98
- Perth Modern - 12
A number of clubs took part, and although clubs can't earn points for the Champion School trophy, they certainly had some outstanding performances. Fremantle Rowing Club topped the Overall Medal Table, with ANA in Second and Iona in Third.

One of the closest races of the day was the Final of the Schoolboys Open Single - a battle for the line between Swan River's Harry Salfinger and Fremantle's Oscar Lourie left them seperated by just 0.78 seconds with Salfinger taking home the bikkies. A similarly tiny margin, 0.71 seconds, was all that split the Schoolboys Year 10 Double - ANA's Morris-Luck/Coles combination triumped over West Australian Rowing Club's Round/McDonald.

Harry Salfinger, Winner of the SBO1x, with RWA President David Rose
If there was a prize for most convincing win of the regatta, it would go to the Iona SGY102x entry of Juliet Kelly and Charlotte Hansen-Knarhoi (coached by Keely Atchison). The Iona girls opened an impressive 33 second gap over their competition over the 1000m race, demonstrating that the ability in the double scull that won them a Bronze Medal at the 2023 Nationals is alive and well.

Juliet Kelly (L) and Charlotte Hansen-Knarhoi (R), Winners of the SGY102x, with Phil Gregson (Healthways)
The best-prepared athlete of the regatta must have been SRRC's Greta Spencer, who was so fresh off the back of her World Under 19 Rowing Championships campaign that I think she was still jetlagged. Her dedication to continuing SRRC's winning streak in the OMix4x+ is impressive and all the extra race prep obviously paid off - the crew of Potma, Spencer, Salfinger, McCarthy and coxed by Miller-Furesh (coached by Lachy van de Ven) put several lengths of clear water into the rest of the field.
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(L-R) Spencer, Potma, McCarthy, Salfinger and Miller-Furesh, with Phil Gregson (Healthways)
Healthways WA, through their Act Belong Commit initiative, have kindly sponsored the All Schools season again this year. Rowers who visited the ABC Mindfulness Zone at the regatta found colouring activities, plenty of merch (including very popular Yo-Yos) and comfy cushions to relax on. Medal winners were able to take home an ABC bucket hat, water bottle or rugby socks for their win - a few small gestures to say 'well done' for committing to their sport, and belonging to a community like ours! The Act Belong Commit message is a simple approach that we can all adopt to be calmer, happier and able to cope best with the problems and stress that happens every day in our lives.

Lyla & Greta take on the world at Junior World Championships!
Photo: Art of Rowing NZ (Vera Bucsu)/Rowing Australia
What do you get when you combine two Queenslanders, three West Australians, a Filippi, some Croker oars, and a sprinkle of Green and Gold?
One hell of a campaign.
Lyla Fievez (16, Fremantle RC), Greta Spencer (17, Swan River RC), Georgia Montague (17), Minaya Bishop (17, both University of QLD BC) and coach Mark Beer (Swan River RC) first came together as a group in April this year, on the calm waters of the Nepean River, just prior to Junior Selection Trials. The QLD and WA pairs had performed exceptionally (silver and bronze respectively) at the Australian Rowing Championships, and their coaches (Mark, and legendary UQBC coach Philip Bourguignon) brought them together to give them a chance at selection in the four.
Mark says "it was clear from the first row that the combination was able to generate good raw speed. It was great to see how adaptable they were, and as a result were selected for the World Champs."
Fast forward four months - through multiple training camps, a challenging academic load, and 22 hours on a plane - the crew found themselves sitting ready at the catch on the start line of the Under 19 Women's Four, Heat 2. Just shy of seven minutes later they crossed the line second, missing automatic qualification into the A Final and instead earning them a spot in the Repechage. The Repechage was hot competition and our girls booked the Final they didn't want. But Mark's summary of their attitude to racing is more than just about winning or losing:
"Everytime we race, we want to be the best version of ourselves. Do your job, and do it well!"
So they went on to crush the field in the B Final, leading from the first stroke and winning by over a length.

Photo: Art of Rowing NZ (Vera Bucsu)/Rowing Australia
What better way to recap it than to hear it straight from the crew? Greta says:
"The whole experience was one to remember! The lead up to the regatta once we were selected was tough with months of training and many bumps in the road but the improvements that we were making as a crew were really encouraging and positive.
When we arrived in Italy for our pre racing camp in Gavirate, Varese was personally a highlight of the campaign. Being able to live in an environment that we were able to train and recover easily was very different and so enjoyable. We also had free time to hang out and of course make many gelato trips with the other Aussie crews, who were a great group.
Arriving in Paris and finally seeing the regatta centre for Worlds was a mix of excitement and nerves. It finally kicked in that we were truly racing the world’s best, seeing the size and talent of the athletes that we were up against, was intimidating. Getting to hit the water was good fun despite the challenging weather conditions that each day of racing would throw at us. With the help of our amazing and experienced coach Mark Beer, we learnt to be adaptable and calm in each race, as we focused on the immediate challenge and prepared for anything.
Missing the A Final was hard but we pulled ourselves back together and felt super proud and happy when we smashed the B Final from start to finish. Then just like that the racing was over and it was time to pack up the boats, swap some of our team gear with athletes from other countries and travel back home to reality."
Remarkably, Greta made it back to Perth in time to compete at the All Schools State Championships - she's won either the Open or Year 10 Mixed Coxed Quad for the last four years running, and wasn't about to let that slip. Turns out training like a madman and racing against the world's best is quite good preparation for a 1000m race with your friends.
Lyla has been catching up on family time and making the most of the European summer by going on holiday to Lake Como - well deserved R&R.
Mark is back this week and those rowing at Canning Bridge can expect to see him & his Cambridge jacket out on the water very soon.
A huge congratulations to this crew and all who supported them on their journey.
Rowing Australia has released the official Team List for the World Rowing Championships, due to be held in Belgrade, Serbia from 3-10 September 2023.
All the WA athletes from World Cup 3 (you can read the Wrap Up of that regatta here) are back for another crack at the international field, with one exciting addition - Alex Rossi, WARC member and Trinity College alum, is making his Senior Team debut!!
Men's Single Scull
Alex Rossi (WARC), has been tapped as the Aussie Single Sculler for this regatta, where he'll also take on the role of reserve. Rossi won Bronze at the 2023 World Under 23 Rowing Championships, is a multiple-time Aus Rep on underage teams, and is understandably very excited to be making the jump to the Senior ranks. A huge congratulations to Alex for this milestone.

Alex @ U23 World Champs last month. Photo: Vera Buscu/Rowing Australia
Men's Quadruple Scull
Jack Cleary (WARC) comes out of the double and into the quad for this regatta. At WC3, this boat were a mere .1 seconds off the podium in the A final - let's hope that a fresh lineup (and a bit of WA magic) gives it the boost it needs to come back down under with some silverware!

Jack & doubles partner Harley Moore after the last race of WC3. Photo: Detlev Syeb/World Rowing
Men's Eight
Josh Hicks (Sydney RC/Swan River RC) appears once again in the lineup for the Men's Eight, who were historically victorious at World Cup 3. The lineup stays the same and we're all anticipating a red-hot rematch between the world's biggest eights come Finals day!

Josh (back row, second from right) and the M8s after winning WC3. Photo: Detlev Syeb/World Rowing.
Women's Pair
The irrepressable combination of Annabelle McIntyre (Fremantle RC) and Jessica Morrison (Mercantile RC) are unbeaten since they moved out of the four and back into the pair after the 2022 World Championships. Not only unbeaten, but literally world-beaters - the World Record is now theirs too. Looking forward to seeing how they confront this regatta - their success undoubtedly puts a target on their backs.

Annabelle and Jess after breaking the World Record at Holland-Beker. Photo: Daniel Korvemaker,
Women's Four
Giorgia Patten and her three crewmates made appearances on podiums at both WC2 and WC3 - no doubt the racing experience has taught them some valuable lessons, and given them confidence in the lead up to the big dance.

Giorgia (bottom LHS) and the W4-, Silver medallists at WC3. Photo: Detlev Syeb/World Rowing.
Women's Eight
Bronwyn Cox (UWABC) and Jacqui Swick (SRRC) have been stalwarts of the Women's Eight since . 21-year-old Jacqui debuted on the Aus Team just last year, where Bronnie's been a stalwart of the Women's Sweep squad since her debut in 2018 - together, they've helped the crew to a win at WC2 and Bronze at WC3. Can't wait to see what the girls lay down in September!!

Winners are grinners at WC2. Photo: Detlev Syeb/World Rowing
You can read Rowing Australia's full list here
After a 4-year hiatus, the Coaching & Officiating Conference is back and will be better than ever!
Two incredible keynote presenters will join a host of other experts who will join forces on panels and mini-sessions through the day.
And for the first time ever, our Boat Race Official community will have their own Conference Stream, with sessions dedicated to helping them develop the skills and techniques unique to their field.
We're very excited to announce the first of our two keynote presenters...

Thommo's 30+ years of international coaching has seen him take on leadership positions at Team GB, Team China, and he's now leading our very own Australian Rowing Team as Performance Director. Thommo, a Canberran, made his way through the ranks of Aussie rowing in the 1980s, eventually medalling at U23 Worlds, before a cycling accident forced him to retire and he took up coaching. His impressive palmares lists no less than SIX Olympic Medals as crew coach - two Gold, four Silver - and he's responsible for many more in his roles as Head Coach at GB and Chinese Rowing. Now in his current role, he's incredibly passionate about achieving exceptional performances with the Aussie Rowing Team. Part of this, and part of what he loves about his role, is connecting with coaches at all levels of the pathway in order to enrich the entire Australian rowing community. Thommo is busy cooking up a custom-made presentation for us that we can't wait to listen to!
The 1904 Interstate Eights - Part 2: WHat REALLY happened?!
Extract from The Brisbane Courier, 8th May 1904
Inter-State Championships
"The 28th annual inter-State contests for the eight-oar Championships of Australia took place on the Brisbane River on Saturday... New South Wales got away first, but Western Australia made a bad beginning... and at the quarter-mile gave up! Regret was expressed for the accident which prevented the West Australians from finishing..."
So what REALLY happened? Did the WA crew give up as the Brisbane Courier suggested? Let's turn to the Letters to the Editor!

Stroke of the WA crew - "The majority of the West Australian crew returned from Brisbane on Thursday. They are looking fit and well, and all speak in generous terms of the treatment they received in every place at which they touched. The enthusiasm shown by the West Australian Association in sending a crew so many miles, they state, was referred to at all social gatherings at which they were present in the East. It is to be regretted that the crew did not have an opportunity of showing their prowess in the big race. According to the account given by the returned men, before the crew had gone two hundred yards No. 6 stretcher gave way completely and further effort proved useless. They were up the representation of the other States, however, when the unfortunate accident occurred."
MAY 27 - E.G. BEE - Manager, WA Eight - "...Our stroke was quite unaware that No. 6 had broken his stretcher right out, or he would probably have stopped at once; as it was they kept rowing for some time in their condition, and very few knew there was an accident until they stopped...From the rowing of the crews towards the finish, and knowing the condition and stamina of our own men, it is my belief that they would have run into a place had no accident occurred. It now behoves the rowing fraternity of W.A. and their supporters to endeavour to build a best eight-oared boat for themselves, and so do away with the disadvantage under which they are placed in being obliged to complete their training away from their home waters and to depend on second-hand boats for the race."
JUNE 11 - 'Old Poppet Head' - "It showed that either the stroke or whoever had charge fo the men used very little common sense with regard to the final arrangements. Boats should be throughly overhauled prior to the race... Then again, why didn't the crew row out the race? Surely they could have at leact make a fair show. From the time I won my first race to the time I won my last race, not one member of the crews I havce been associated withg has met with an accident."
JUNE 14 - E.G BEE - Manager - After defending against many of Old Poppet Head's jabs, Bee says "He writes - From the time I won my first race to the time I won my last race" etc., and from other remarks I am forced to conclude that these events occurred at the same time, or that if he rowed in more than one race it was before the time of the sliding seat" OOOH BURN.
So - of course, the WA crew didn't give up. We know equipment breakages happen even in this modern era with wonderfully robust materials - this was in 1904, with relativley primitive equipment. The initial notion that it was just an attempt to not have to row the full race - too scared of a tough race - was just as laughable to the WA rowing community back then as it is now!

P.S. If anyone knows who's notebook this might belong to - they very carefully clipped and archived newspaper clippings, photos & other details - we would love to know.
Do you want to see your name on an Aussie Team list?
Do you enjoy the challenge of training and racing hard?
Do you have long levers, high overall strength and endurance capacity?
How about an appetite for challenge and hard work?
Maybe this sounds like you, or someone you know.
Discover your potential at the WAIS Talent Search on Saturday 9th September 2023.
As we enter an exciting decade of sport culminating in a home Olympic Games in 2032, WAIS are looking for the next generation of Western Australian athletes. If you are aged between 13 and 18, or you know someone who is, you should seriously consider heading to this event (or sending the registration form to them!!).
On the central testing day, athletes will be required to complete a series of physiological and anthropometric tests that will gauge their individual suitability for specific high-performance attributes within rowing, cycling, and kayaking.
Athletes who achieve success will receive an invitation to participate in a sport-specific training program tailored to their chosen sport, based on the results of the testing.
Many of you in the community will know Tom Gatti, WAIS Rowing Coach and Pathway Coordinator - well, he's your guy - get in touch with him with any questions you have at tgatti@wais.org.au.
Location: WAIS High Performance Service Centre, Mt Claremont
90-minute sessions available to register from 8:00am to 3:30pm.
UWABC Hiring a High Performance Coach
"As part of the committee's efforts to provide the best possible coaching for the club, the High Performance Coach role is being advertised.
Similar to the committee, the role is spilled once every two years to promote the clubs best interest and ensure positive movement in the high performance squad.
We encourage our members and those in the rowing community to pass the advertisement on to anyone that they think would be a good candidate for the role."
The UWABC wishes to appoint an accomplished and experienced coach to improve the performance of the club's high performance athletes over summer. This will include but not limited to the following:
- Conduct up to 7 weekly on- and off-water training sessions (~2hrs each);
- Develop and implement high performance programs tailored to athletes;
- Enhancing individual athlete prognostic performance over the season;
- Monitor State race data for NSW and National Championships;
- Support athlete progression via FTEM criteria; and
- Participate in Time trials, State, and National Rowing Championships.
More information, including a position description and how to apply, can be found here.
Hour of Power - National Virtual Development Series!
The August Hour of Power has had an upgrade and through the revitalised National Virtual Development Series is now accessible to the wider Australian Rowing community.
The webinar will be promoted through the states to their members, and through Rowing Australia, in the hopes that we can share our resources and opportunities with members around the country. In turn, WA will be able to access development sessions put on by other states. We look forward to welcoming interstate rowers and coaches to this session.
WA clubs will still earn points for their members' attendance or purchase of Club Tickets. Our usual in-person Hour of Powers will remain exclusive to our community.
This session, focussing on the use of Video to analyse technique in rowers, will give useful advice for coaches (how to implement video into your coaching routines) and for athletes as well (how to develop more of a technical eye for the details!).
A big thank you to Decent Rowing for their generosity in hosting this virtual session and of course their expertise on this topic!
Fremantle Rowing Club, ANA and UWABC have all purchased club tickets and their members will be emailed a link to the Teams Meeting once Decent Rowing have set this up.

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