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Apologies for the gap in our communications. We are now back onboard and have a lot to share with you!
This edition of Oar Talk...
Welcoming René Brovelli
WA State Team & ARC
Beach Sprint Championships - Huge Success
Masters #1 and #2 coming up
Rowing Radiance Indoor Rowing Program
2025 Rules of Racing
BRO Update
Radlink Communications, Thank you
Club Corner
Amazing PBR Deal!
Cover photo: WA State Teams and Coaches at the Beefsteakers breakfast 16th March 2025
Get Involved with Oar Talk:
- Do you have a rowing photo you want to feature as the cover photo? Send it through to memberservices@rowingwa.asn.au!
- Do you want to write a Guest Article for the newsletter? It could be an opinion piece or a story from the community. Pick a topic & let us know you're keen - memberservices@rowingwa.asn.au. We want to highlight the stories and perspectives of the community!!

Rowing WA would like to welcome our new Member Services Manager, Rene Brovelli!
Rene will be managing the day-to-day delivery of Rowing WA's regattas, events portfolio, inclusion projects as well as member engagement through social media. She will deliver club, coach and athlete development initiatives, as well as coordinate the WA State Team and Pathway athletes.
Rene is an accomplished masters athlete and currently rows for ANA Rowing Club. She loves anything and everything rowing so this is the perfect role for her! Feel free to reach out and say hi!

A massive congratulations to our WA State Team, the athletes from schools and clubs across WA, and of course, the coaches!
We want to extend our heartfelt best wishes as you step into this next challenge. You've endured months of intense, grueling training, pushing your limits in ways that many can't even imagine. Your dedication, hard work, and resilience are truly inspiring. Now, it's your time to shine. Trust in your training, believe in your strength, and know that you have the full support of the Rowing WA community behind you. Best of luck, and give it your all!
The WA team will take on the Eastern States in the BIGGEST ever ARC in history! Be sure to tune in to watch the racing from the 24th of March, with the Interstate Championship Regatta on Sunday, the 30th of March, at approximately 10am AWST.
ARC 2025 Livestream Link
The Teams are:
QUEEN’S CUP - Womans Senior VIII+
Holly Cannon (FRC), Bronwyn Cox (UWABC), Lyla Flevez (SRRC), Lara Glendinning (UWABC), Zoe McKellar (SUBC/SRRC), Brianna Murray (SRRC), Joely Patterson (WARC), Greta Spencer (SRRC), Jacqui Swick (SRRC), Coxswain: Rei Poon (SRRC), Coach: Mark Beer (SRRC), Asst. Coach: Rohan James (SRRC)
KING’S CUP - Mens Senior VIII+
Ben Clayton (UWABC), Jack Cleary (WARC), Johnson Daubney (SRRC), Fergus McNamara (SRRC), Myles McQuillan (UTS/SRRC), Riley Rees-Turner (SRRC), Alex Rossi (WARC), Blake Whyatt (WARC), Coxswain: Elinor Scott (SRRC), Reserve: Ahren Den Ouden (UWABC), Reserve: Liam. R. Davis (FRC), Coach: Tom Gatti (WAIS), Asst. Coach: Luca Rossi (WARC)
Lara Connolly (SRRC), Isabella Edinger (SRRC), Lyla Flevez (SRRC), Charlotte Hansen-Knarhoi (FRC/IONA), Juliet Kelly (FRC/IONA), Emma Pittman (SRRC), Sinead Reading (WARC), Greta Spencer (SRRC), Coxswain: Angelie Ng (FRC), Reserve: Emma O'Neil (FRC), Reserve: Kady Wall (UWABC), Reserve: Kady Wall (UWABC), Coach: Alex Thompson (FRC), Asst. Coach: Mia Williams (CUBC)
Lachlan Brown (WARC), Harper Davies (SRRC), Joshua Hantke (WARC), Jack Hansen-Knarhoi (FRC), Oscar Lourie (FRC), Harry Salfinger (SRRC), Austin Vincent (FRC), James Young (SRRC), Coxswain: Helena Hurworth (SRRC), Reserve: Tom Byass (WARC), Reserve: Liam Davis (FRC), Coach: John Gearing (WARC), Asst. Coach: David Vandas (FRC)
VICTORIA CUP - Womans Lightweight 4x
Izzy Emery (UWABC), Lara Glendinning (UWABC), Ellsie Griffith (SRRC/PC), Izzy Utley (UWABC), Hayley Rowe (UWABC), Coach: Roland Warren (UWABC)
PENRITH CUP - Mens Lightweight 4-
Jacob Cassey (FRC), Michael Orton (SRRC), Oliver Cliff (UWABC), Ethan Bromley (UWABC), Reserve: Ged Street (UWABC), Coach: Olivia Jones (SRRC)
NELL SLATTER TROPHY - Womans Single Scull
Bronwyn Cox (UWABC)
PRESIDENT'S CUP - Mens Single Scull
Alex Rossi (WARC)
Olivia Jones (SRRC)
Jamie Hewlitt (WAIS)
Sue Peacock (Rowing WA)
Jacki Morrell (Perth College)
NB!! If you wish to purchase merchandise, tickets to the event, or sign up as a volunteer at the ARC Regatta, head over to the Event Page in the link below.
ARC Event Information
ARE YOU READY? The 22nd of March brings you the PSA Head of the River!
This pinnacle event in the PSA season is a celebration of everything rowing stands for — dedication, teamwork, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence. Whether you are an athlete, coach, or spectator, the event will undoubtedly be a memorable experience, filled with thrilling competition, emotional highs and lows, and the ultimate test of rowing skill.
For those who have followed the athletes' journeys through the season, this event will be the culmination of months of hard work and determination. And for those witnessing it for the first time, the magic of rowing — with its intense athleticism and the unbreakable bond between teammates — will leave a lasting impression. As the season’s grand finale draws near, one thing is certain: the stage is set for some truly unforgettable racing!
We have seen very competitive racing in the blue-ribbon 1st VIII+ event in the lead-up regattas, with a number of schools taking out wins. It is sure to be a tight field and a great race.
We wish each athlete the best of luck. GO BOYS!
A huge congratulations to all those who braved the first season of Coastal Beach Sprints in WA, the new Olympic Discipline.
January and February saw the first three Beach Sprint regattas held in WA.
A special mention and thank you to the BRO'S and Curtin University Rowing Club for their support in making Beach Sprints possible.
Although we close off this thrilling season, the excitement doesn't stop here. It’s just the beginning of a new era in rowing, where sand meets sea and athletes push their limits in ways we’ve never seen before. Get ready for more heart-pounding action in the seasons to come — this is just the start of something extraordinary!
Beach Sprints is also fantastic for fan engagement and always with a great location...THE BEACH!
Oceane Jeannerat: “I had such a blast in WA’s first Beach Sprint series and I’ll definitely be back next year!”
Rohan James: “I found coastal rowing to be thrilling as an athlete. Because of the unpredictable nature of the waves and lanes, it means that even when a crew falls behind, it's not over until it's over. Until that red bucket gets hit, all athletes are still in the race.”
We look forward to watching the growth of WA athletes in coastal rowing.
Our inaugural State Champions are:
Male Solo - A final
A. Vincent - FRC
Female Solo - A final
C. Netherway - SRRC
Mixed Double - A final
A. Vincent, H. Cannon - FRC
Coxed Quad - A final
R. Payne, K. Mueller, C. Lucas-Roast, L. Jeannerat, Cox: H. Ranger - FRC
Locked and Loaded: 24th and 30th March 2025
A masters regatta is like a rock concert, but with more water, less guitar, and a whole lot of sweat. It’s the moment when all those early mornings, work schedule shuffling, quirky boat dynamics, and sheer determination finally come together in the pursuit of excellence — like the ultimate rowing mixtape.
So whether you're a seasoned spectator or a newbie on the rowing bandwagon, one thing is certain: these athletes are ready to take the stage and present you with some exhilarating racing.
Wishing all the masters an exciting racing season!
Regatta dates and the regatta draw. Will ANA continue their dominance in the Masters Pennant?
Upcoming Regattas:
- Sunday, 23rd March: Masters 1 at Champion Lakes
- Sunday, 30th March: Canning Bridge
- Saturday, 12th April: Champion Lakes
- Saturday, 3rd May: RWA Masters State Championships
Rowing WA Presents - Rowing Radiance
Rowing WA is excited to bring you Rowing Radiance — a 6-week indoor rowing program aimed at delivering rowing classes to low participation groups, including:
- Adolescent Girls (12-18 years)
- Women (25-45 years)
- Seniors (50+ years)
- All Abilities
We have partnered with ANA Rowing Club, Fremantle Rowing Club, UWA Boat Club, West Australian Rowing Club, and Bunbury Rowing Club to make this program a success.
Programs are already underway at ANA, UWA, and Bunbury, with WARC and FRC to follow shortly!
Please spread the word far and wide as this is a fantastic opportunity for the community to get fit, improve mental health, build confidence, and engage with others.
Rowing Radiance Indoor Rowing Program
2025 Pennant Regatta Season Overview
Following a thorough and consultative review process, Rowing WA has developed changes to the Rules of Racing to improve participation and racing opportunities for Pennant rowers. These changes are based on the outcomes of the Pennant Regatta Participation Working Group (RPWG), which met consistently from May to October 2024.
The RPWG, comprising representatives from all rowing clubs, conducted a deep dive into the factors contributing to the decline in regatta participation over the past decade. Their objective was to develop targeted strategies to reverse this trend and increase engagement across the sport.
Key Recommendations
- Rule Changes to Grade Points and Pennant Points: Revising the grading system to enhance fairness and competitiveness.
- Inclusion of New Events: Expanding the regatta program to offer more diverse and engaging racing opportunities.
Dynamic Rowing Scores
Unlike in previous years, rowing scores will not be frozen mid-season for the 2025 Rowing WA Pennant Regatta Season. Instead, scores will continue to adjust based on race results throughout the entire season. This ensures that crews are accurately graded according to their ongoing performance.
Under the new system, only the winning crew (the fastest across all divisions) will see an improvement in their rowing score. This approach promotes fairer and more balanced racing, ensuring that crews compete in divisions that best match their abilities.
Seat Fee Cap for Pennant Regattas
We are pleased to announce the continuation of the seat fee cap initiative for the 2025 Rowing WA Pennant Regatta Season. Following positive feedback from the rowing community and a successful trial in 2024, we will maintain the capped seat fee for the four Champion Lakes Pennant regattas again this season, excluding the State Championships.
The maximum seat fee per athlete will remain capped at $44.10, equivalent to three events. This initiative provides significant benefits to both athletes and clubs by keeping costs predictable and manageable. Our aim is to make it easier for athletes to budget for regattas and to encourage greater participation in multiple events.
Please refer to the following documents:
Well done to Michelle Nurzenski for obtaining her Level 1 accredititation.
Without these amazing volunteers, racing could not happen. We have the utmost respect and appreciation for you!
Be sure to give Michelle a wave and shout out when you see her in her brand new yellow officials top.
A huge thank you to Radlink Communications for their support of Rowing WA!
Their expertise in upgrading our radio networks at Champion Lakes and Canning Bridge has made a significant difference, improving communication and enhancing the umpire experience at our regattas. Reliable radio networks are essential for running smooth and safe events, and Radlink's support ensures we can continue delivering high-quality racing for the WA rowing community.
Radlink Communications is a fantastic supporter of sport, and we truly appreciate their commitment.
(Not so) New Coach for Westies
Westies was delighted to announce to its members recently the return of Jack O'Dea to the Club as Deputy Head Coach.
Jack is, of course, no stranger to the Club having been a key part of its coaching group through to 2022 including coaching several WA State Teams. He was previously Head Coach at Shenton College.
Since 2022 Jack has been over East in Victoria, broadening his experience and completing his Level 3 qualifications with Melbourne Grammar School and Methodist Ladies College; confirming his status as one of the best young rowing coaches in Australia. Westies are absolutely delighted to welcome him back to the Club where he will start in early April alongside the Club program. Jack will also support the RWA Rowing Radiance program via the WARC component of that important outreach opportunity.
Jack will also work closely with John Gearing, Westies Head Coach, with the WARC High Performance group and also a wide range of school and junior programs. Great to have you back in WA Jack!
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