2025 Changes to Rowing Scores and Grades

Important changes to rowing scores and grades have recently been implemented as part of the Rule of Racing updates.

Rowing Score Adjustments

Rowing Score Range Adjustment Example Before Example After
0 - 3.8 Deduct 1 point 3.8 2.8
    2.3 1.3
Greater than 3.80001 Deduct 0.5 points 3.9 3.4


Grade Adjustments

Despite changes to rowing scores, the grade remains the same as the grade ranges have been updated accordingly. The new grade ranges are as follows:

Grade Previous Range New Range
A Grade 0 - 2.3 0 - 1.3
B Grade 2.30001 - 3.2 1.30001 - 2.2
C Grade 2.30001 - 3.8 2.20001 - 2.8
D Grade 3.80001 - 4.0 2.80001 - 3.5