Vale Terry Smith

Published Fri 02 Feb 2024

Rowing WA was saddened to learn of the passing of community stalwart Terry Smith on 12 January 2024. 

Rowing WA was a significant beneficiary to Terry’s generosity over several decades. Through his business interests, Terry supplied (and in the earlier days installed) many of the electrical systems at the Canning Bridge Rowing Centre at no or very limited cost. In more recent years, Terry provided consulting advice around the electrical and solar systems designed as part of the recent building upgrade including the The Rowing Pavilion. A true gentlemen, with a kind smile and a huge heart that he shared with many throughout the WA rowing community.

The following summary of Terry’s remarkable impact on the sport locally is taken, with permission, from ANA’s Glyn Heath and Denys Warren:

“Terry was a very active ANA racing member during the early 1970s and a key contributor to ANA securing the Rowing WA overall points Pennant in 1975 - the first since the Barrack Street shed burnt down in the 1960s. The club has only secured this achievement once since then.

Terry served as club president between 1975 and 1981, including during some very turbulent years for the club. Terry proposed the successful resolution to admit women as full members in 1977. Together with John Kirwan, he worked to modernize the constitution of the club, leading to its incorporation under the Associations Incorporations Act in the early 1980s. Terry continued to row non-competitively at Canning Bridge with ANA until the Club relocated to Bayswater and from the Perth and Murdoch sheds subsequently.

Terry was present for the Centenary dinner and the boat christening at the beginning of 2023.”

Phil Jurjevich, currently the Director of Rowing at Trinity College where Terry coached the First VIII in 1984-85, reminisced on Terry’s influence:

“Terry had a significant impact on me and Trinity Rowers during his time at the College. He inspired me and many rowers to continue rowing after school, and he did so himself. He had a love for the sport that has passed on to others and was generous with his energy and knowledge.”

In bidding farewell to Terry Smith, we honor his impactful legacy in the rowing community, where his passion and generosity have left an enduring mark. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family and friends, and may his memory resonate in the waters he cherished so deeply.
