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Rower of the Year Awards
Published Wed 23 Oct 2024
The Rower of the Year Awards dinner was held last weekend and saw 110 rowers, coaches, club supporters, and Rowing WA partners come together in a celebration of our community.
The new venue of Mineral Resources Park proved a hit and allowed everyone to relax and enjoy the evening. Tables were decorated in club colours, and had a stack of photos of club members from the past year to look back on. The room was brought to life by resplendent club blazers worn by chatty rowers who for the most part had taken the dress code seriously! Janelle Austin made her debut as MC of this event and was the perfect steward for proceedings - thanks Janelle!! Curtin Uni rower and professional photographer Amy Luckett stepped in at the last minute to snap pics of presentations and we are so thankful for her help. You can find more of her amazing work here.
Jacqui, Bronnie and Giorgia were special guests on the night and graciously took part in a Q&A talking about their experience at the Paris Olympics. There was talk about how good the cheese was at the chateau (their accommodation during the games!!), but some amazing insights into the experience of an Olympian during race week. They spoke about the feeling of camaraderie among WA-based athletes at the NTC and at Nationals, where there is a unique and palpable sense of athletes banding together to represent WA no matter which club zootie they are wearing. It was fantastic to hear them speak and to have them there in person.
We would like to thank Event Partners, Perfect Balance Rowing and Croker Oars, for their support of this event. PBR gave a generous $1000 Gift Voucher to the winner of the Champion Club of the Year, and Croker Oars donated a pair of sculling oars to the winner of the Novice Sculling Award.
Congratulations to the following award and pennant winners, announced at the Rower of the Year Awards dinner!
Act Belong Commit ERG Challenge - UWA Boat Club
Club Coach of the Year - Nick Bretland (WARC)
Coach of the Year - Mark Beer (SRRC)
BRO Encouragement Award - Andrew Halley (SRRC)
BRO of the Year - Michelle Davis (FRC)
Rowing WA Volunteer of the Year - Glyn Heath (ANA)
Club Volunteer of the Year - Alan Stewart (SRRC)
Left: Coach of the Year, Mark Beer, Right: Club Coach of the Year, Nick Bretland
Age Oarsman of the Year - Blake Whyatt (WARC)
Age Oarswoman of the Year - Jacqui Swick (SRRC)
Oarsman of the Year - Josh Hicks (SRRC/SRC)
Oarswoman of the Year - Annabelle McIntyre OAM (FRC)
Left: Age Oarswoman of the Year, Jacqui Swick, Right: Age Oarsman of the Year, Blake Whyatt
Novice Sculling Award - Swan River Rowing Club
Head Race Pennant - West Australian Rowing Club
Masters Pennant - ANA Rowing Club
D Grade Pennant - UWA Boat Club
C Grade Pennant - UWA Boat Club
B Grade Pennant - West Australian Rowing Club
A Grade Pennant - West Australian Rowing Club
Premiership Pennant - UWA Boat Club
Champion Club of the Year - Swan River Rowing Club
Left: Champion Club of the Year winners SRRC, Right: WARC's Joely Patterson accepting the B Grade Pennant.
Above: UWABC with their C Grade, D Grade and Overall Premiership Pennants.