Merry Christmas from Rowing WA

Published Mon 20 Dec 2021

From all of the staff and Board at Rowing WA, we would like to wish the
Western Australian rowing community, their family and friends a very merry and safe Christmas.

As we have all experienced this year, 2021 hasn’t been the smooth pandemic recovery we all had hoped for. Although we have stayed relatively immune in WA, it has still had significant impacts on many aspects of our sport, especially those in the High Performance pathway. Despite these challenges, our 5 west Australia Olympians that competed in Tokyo demonstrated the true grit, determination and perseverance necessary to perform at the sport’s highest level. These performances inspired us all from afar, especially the next generation of rowers, including those that might be representing Australia in Brisbane in 2032.
Closer to home, the local regatta season saw a resurgence in participation from last year, nearly back to post-pandemic levels. And lthough it was a very wet winter, we were very lucky that we only had one regatta cancelled. The quality of racing at State Championships also continued to improve with some very close racing and great results. Congratulations to all our new State Champions. 
Looking ahead, 2022 looks very exciting for rowing in WA. We are set to host the Australian Masters Rowing Championships, so the border re-opening announcement for Feb 5 couldn’t have come at a better time. There are still a number of border-related matters to manage and as we have come to learn things can change very quickly when it comes to Government rules around COVID-19, but it is certainly looking more positive that we will be able to host the AMRC in May 2022. In January, Rowing WA will commence the renovation of the Canning Bridge Rowing Centre to develop the new Bar/Restaurant. Due for completion mid-year, this new facility will expose a lot more of the local community to the Canning Bridge rowing precinct and the sport of rowing, as well as provide a great new location for the local clubs at Canning to meet after a training session. At Champion Lakes, 2022 will see a new Rowing WA Maintenance Shed constructed and the current rowing shed mezzanine level fitted out to be able to cater for Rowing WA and community functions. Following an extensive club consultation process across pennant, All-school and Masters, the 2022 regatta calendar is finalised (here) and working groups are in the process of working on the programs of events. So, lots of exciting things to look forward to in 2022. 
Rowing WA would like to thank everyone that makes our sport so great in WA. The Rowing WA and Club volunteers that make the sport not only happen on a daily basis, but grow and thrive. Whether they are coaches, captains, boat race officials, committee/board members, BBQ operators, boat repairers, drivers, or helpers of all descriptions. You all make our sport such a great community. We hope that you all have an amazing Christmas break and are as excited about 2022 as we are. To the rowers, you are our sport. We all do what we do so you can have the opportunities that you do. We take joy in seeing you training, competing, succeeding and growing. May 2022 bring you all what you are striving for on and off the water. To the families and supporters that allow their partners and children to partake in this great sport, we recognise the sacrifice that it takes. But like us, we hope that you see the immense pleasure and satisfaction that it brings in return. 
To all, enjoy the festive season. Be safe, be merry and we will see you all again in 2022 for an exciting year ahead. 
Best Wishes
Daniel Tackenberg
Rowing WA