Level 2 Coaching Accreditation Course

Published Fri 25 Feb 2022

Level 2 Coaching Course | Practical Workshop

Don't miss out - register immediately!
Places are limited so seats will fill quickly.
Further programs will be run as required.

The Club/School Coach program is aimed at senior school and club coaches.  This program trains coaches who already have their Level 1 accreditation, some experience in the sport and aims to provide the coach with the knowledge and skills to develop athletes to their potential.  Coaches will have enough knowledge to develop an annual program, rig boats appropriately and develop younger athletes.

Club/School coaches provide coaching to the majority of athletes and will be required to tutor rowers of all ages and physical capabilities.  These coaches will have basic sports science knowledge.

The modules covered in a Level 2 course are listed below and, combined, cover approx. 8 hours of course delivery.

  • Review athlete and well-being and training methodologies module (approx. 1 hour)
  • Problem based learning, Coaching scenarios – discuss in groups of three (approx 1hour)
  • Micro-coaching – ergo in groups of three – role play coach, rower and observer (approx 1 hour)
  • Problem-solving learning – rigging review and practical activity (approx 90 mins)
  • Technical Crew Review - bring your own footage of a crew you have recently coached (approx 1 hour). You will have 5 minutes to talk about them.
  • Analyse technical stroke – skill observation checklist (approx 1 hour)

This event has limited capacity to allow each coach to get the most out of this course. If you miss out on registering please contact Sarah Black via email to be placed on the waitlist and we can organise another Level 2 Coaching Course.

For further information & to register for either the online component or practical session, click HERE.
