Champion Lakes Regatta Centre Water Testing

Published Fri 17 Dec 2021

A Message from Venues West

Every year around 60,000 people visit Champion Lakes Regatta Centre to compete in and spectate a range of water sports. As venue owner and manager, VenuesWest has stringent water testing procedures in place to ensure a safe venue for all visitors:

  • Testing is carried out by an independent external body on a fortnightly basis.
  • Samples are collected from 12 different locations in the lake.
  • Samples are stored in cool boxes and delivered to the independent testing facility within one hour.
  • Preliminary results are available within 24 hours and we receive a detailed report 48 to 72 hours later. 
  • In the rare instances where samples have exceeded the safe guidelines for water-based events an emergency test is conducted within 24 hours of the original results and user groups are advised of the situation.
  • If the water testing results are not within the safe range, signage is placed in prominent locations around the venue advising members of the public.
  • VenuesWest will always err on the side of caution, as the safety of our patrons is always our priority.

There are several factors that can contribute to bacteria levels exceeding the safe water use levels:

  • Increased activity on the shoreline in unapproved areas. All activity needs to be limited to the designated areas – swim beaches, pontoon, spectator areas.
  • Champion Lakes is home to a vast array of native birdlife. And increase in bird activity can result in increased bacteria levels. 
  • It is venue policy that all dogs remain on a lead at all times. Dogs entering the water can lead to increased bacteria levels. We rely on our user groups to assist with controlling dogs on event days. 
  • Heavy rains, generally the first falls after summer. Birds have been nesting along the shoreline during the warmer months, and as the water level rises, bird waste makes its way into the lake.

Since the freshwater bores on the residential area of the lake were introduced in 2016/2017 water quality has been very stable. 

In the last 12 months, there have been no lake closures for secondary use (paddling) and just one primary use (swimming) closure, which occurred during our normal winter swimming closure period.

Every year the lake closes for primary use (swimming) between April and June as per normal operating guidelines. 

The main trigger points for excessive bacteria levels continue to be the residential swimming beach and the 2000m start line, as water testing is carried out just 100m in front of the pontoon.

We look forward to welcoming all Rowing WA competitors and spectators back to Champion Lakes Regatta Centre in 2022!
