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Para Rowing
We are always looking to stay updated in the All Abilities Rowing space and we have many exciting initiatives in the works, so stay tuned! If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Development and Operations Coordinator at devopscoordinator@rowingwa.asn.au
There are several rowing clubs in the metropolitan area which have the ability to assist with para-rowing opportunities and can cater for athletes with mild to severe impairments.
Your best bet is to contact Rowing WA directly, who can put you in touch with the right club for you! Contact us today to start your rowing journey!
Information for Clubs
Rowing WA encourages all clubs to consider the inclusion of rowers with disabilities (para-rowers) into their membership. The following power-point is intended to assist clubs through a step-by-step guide to introduce and engage club members in supporting para-rowing. Please click here to download.
Proud Principal Partner of the Para Rowing Program
Rowing Australia and Para-Rowing
Rowing Australia also has a strong pathway program for talented athletes to represent Australia in Para-Rowing events.
The three Paralympic classification classes are:
- PR1 (Shoulders & Arms)
- Paralympic event: PR1 Single Scull
- PR2 (Trunk and Arms)
- Paralympic event: PR2 Mixed Double
- PR3 (Legs, Trunks and Arms)
- Paralympic events: PR3 Mixed Coxed Four and Duuble Scull
Want to know if you can be a para-rower? Check out the Rowing Australia Information sheet here.
In conjunction with the Australian Paralympic Committee and State Rowing Associations, Rowing Australia have developed the National Classification Guidelines 2016 – 2020 which outlines the structure for classification in Australia. In response to the IPC Classification Code changes, RA has also updated the Classification Regulations and By-Laws to ensure compliance.
The documents are effective immediately. These documents can also be found on the Rowing Australia website by clicking HERE
Para-Rowing Classifications
PR3 (Formerly known as LTA - leg, trunk and arms)
Rowers with a verifiable and permanent visual or physical impairment who have functional use of their legs, trunk and arms for rowing, and who can utilise the sliding seat to propel the boat. The minimum impairment for the PR3 class is equivalent to one of the following:
- Below knee amputee
- Fused ankle
- Three fingers amputated off one hand
- Tarsal metatarsal amputation of the foot
- Vision impaired
- Cerebral Palsy
- Spinal injury – incomplete at S1
PR2 (Formerly known as TA - trunk and arms)
Rowers with a verifiable and permanent impairment who have functional use of the trunk but are unable to use the sliding seat to propel the boat because of significantly weakened function or mobility of the lower limbs. PR2 rowers use a fixed seat but are able to use their bodies to rock back and forth to The minimum impairment for the PR2 class is equivalent to one of the following;
Bilateral around knee amputation
- Significantly impaired quadriceps
- Combination of one leg with around knee amputation and one leg with significant quadriceps impairment
- Neurological impairment equivalent to a complete lesion at L3 level, or an incomplete lesion at L1
- Cerebral Palsy
- Fused knee
PR1 (Formerly known as AS - arms and shoulders)
Rowers who have minimal or no trunk function (i.e. shoulder function only). Athletes in PR1 boats have strapping around their midsection to stabilise them on the seat, and floats on their riggers to assist in balancing and ensure safety. The minimum impairment for the PR1 class is equivalent to one of the following;
- Cerebral Palsy
- Neurological Impairment with a complete lesion at T12 level
- An incomplete lesion at T10
Classification Process
Athletes are assessed by the Rowing Australia Medical and Technical Classifiers and placed in the appropriate Sport Class. The assessment looks at the athletes range of movement, strength and coordination in all limbs. Only designated officials can provide a formal classification.