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Member Protection
Rowing Australia has developed a comprehensive Member Protection Policy which all Rowing Associations, including Rowing WA, abide by.
This policy falls under the National Integrity Framework.
This policy reinforces the commitment to providing an environment for participants of all ages and backgrounds that is safe, free from harassment and abuse, and promotes respectful and positive behaviour and values.
Inappropriate or unlawful behaviour will not be tolerated by Rowing Australia or its State and Territory Associations, and disciplinary action will be taken if there is a breach of this policy.
The Member Protection Policy covers the following areas;
- Child protection
- Taking images of children
- Discrimination
- Harassment
- Gender identify
- Responsible service and consumption of alcohol
- Smoke-free environment
- Social networking websites
- Breach of the policy
- Complaints procedure
- Disciplinary measures
A copy of the Policy can be found here and for any questions or further information please contact the Rowing WA offices.
Working With Children Checks (WWC)
As a Western Australian State Sport Organisation, Rowing WA is legally required to comply with the WWC Act which is part of Western Australian State Legislation.
Rowing WA madates that all of its volunteers have a current Working with Children Check. A copy of the WWC Card needs to be provided to the Rowing WA General Manager - Operations (gmoperations@rowingwa.asn.au) and unless a current card has been provided volunteers will not be permitted to volunteer for the organisation.
Individuals can go to the government of Western Australia's Working with Children Website for further information on how to apply and exemptions. A link to the website can be found here
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries also provides a suite of resources designed to assist individuals and organisations in understanding and fulfilling their WWCC obligations. These can be found here.
National Integrity Framework
The National Integrity Framework is a suite of policies which sets out rules for unacceptable behaviour in your sport and change the way. Complaints about breaches of these rules are managed. The Framework was developed by the independent government agency Sport Integrity Australia in consultation with sports to keep your sport safe and fair. The Framework is a set of rules that all members of your sport need to follow when it comes to their behaviour and conduct in your sport.
It is crucial that clubs have an understanding of the NIF as it relates to our sport. Rowing Australia's website is the best place to find information on our NIF policies.
Watch this video below to gain a basic overview of the purpose and structure of the NIF:
Member Protection Information Officers (MPIO)
All WA Rowing Clubs are encouraged to have at least one Member Protection Information Officer.
Member Protection Information Officers play an important role in sport. They provide information and guidance on complaints procedures - they are the 'go to' person if you want to discuss problems at your club/association, particularly if you are considering making a formal complaint.
Rowing WA's Sport Development Manager is an accredited MPIO and can be contacted for queries or questions.
The Department of Sport and Recreation offers regular MPIO Courses and more information can be found here on the Play by the Rules website.