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'A good coxswain makes the difference between winning and losing, and is the catalyst between coach and crew'
To the spectator, the general perception of a coxswain and their roll in a rowing crew, is that they are the small person at the back of the boat who steers and shouts. While this is partly true, coxswains do sit at the back of the boat and they do shout and steer, however they are much more than this!
A good coxswain is very valuable to their crew and make the rowing as easy as possible for their rowers.
Qualities of a good coxswain:
- Good Sense of Judgment
- Cool head under pressure
- Confidence
- Patience
- Encourage, motivate and unit the crew
- Steer straight and efficient courses
- Keep their crew and their equipment safe
- Provide valuable technical feedback to the coach and crew
- Assist the coach and crew both on and off the waterto achieve the best possible result for their crew
- Always look for opportunities to learn in order to gain their crew the edge
- Lead and sets a good example for both their crew and other coxswains.
Coxswain Development Sessions
Each year one of the Hour of Power sessions is on Coxswain Skills and how to become a better coxswain. Check out the Rowing WA Event Calendar for the next session.
Head Race Course Maps
While we have you here... Head Racing: The Coxswain's Perspective
Mettam Head
Perth to Fremantle
Guildford to Garratt
Resources for Coxswains
Ready All, Row - a website dedicated to all things regarding coxswains. A definte bookmark for any aspiring coxswain!
Rowing Related's Coxswain Resource Collection
Coxswains Handbook - This provides beginner level information to coaches or coxswains looking to teach or learn the ropes respectively. Split into handy sized sections the handbook covers a wide variety of topics relevant to novice coxswains including; Steering, safety procedures, navigation, general calls, fault correction and equipment. The handbook can be ordered online through Rowing Australia.
The Rowing Cox - A blog developed with the coxswain in mind
The Down and Dirty Guide to Coxing
Rowing WA's Favourite Cox Recordings
Ladies' Plate Henley 2022 Semifinal Cox Recording - Leander v Yale
Henley Royal Regatta - Women's Varsity 8+ Winter Park Crew Final
Coxswain of the 2008 Olympic Champion Men's Eight, people always ask me....what do you do? >
Australian LW Men's 8+ 2011 World Championships